Thursday, March 10, 2016

Marketing Communication Plan

Communication plan

Definition: Communication planning is the art and science of reaching target audiences using marketing communication channels such as advertising, public relations, experiences or direct mail for example. It is concerned with deciding who to target, when, with what message and how. (Wikipedia)

Characteristics of a good communication plan:

  • Participative
  • Dynamic
  • Flexible
  • Audience driven
  • Combines the best of PR and marketing
  • Contains a mix of strategy and tactics
  • Achievable

Design a communication plan

  • Start with identifying the vision and objectives
  • Make use of research tools (Brainstorming sessions, SWOT analysis, Audience discovery interviews, focus groups)
  • Design the framework of the firm's message (positioning:connects with your target group and identify the competitive advantage, tag lining:keywords or phrases to capture what makes the organization special)
  • The framework should include audiences, benefits and attributes, key messages
  • Develop startegies
  • Select communication channels
  • Implement the plan
  • Evaluate the plan
  • Measure the success
Different methods and frameworks for developing marketing communication plan:

POST method:

P: people -- know your target audience and their social behaviors
O: objectives -- What is the firm trying to accomplish
S: Strategy -- How do the firm want the relationship to change with target audience. How do new and traditional media support your objectives.
T: Technology-- Appropriate tools and tactics to address the target audience

SOSTAC model:

S- situation analysis (Where are we now?)
O- objectives (Where do we want to go)
S- strategy (how we get there)
T- Tactics (details of strategy)
A- action (implementation)
C- control (measurement, monitoring)

 Allocating resources
The use able amount of financial resources must be calculated based on company's financial statements and plans.

  • Financial resources
  • Human resources
Resource allocation methods:

  • Basic Allocation --- Which items to fund in the plan, what funding it should recieve and what not to be funded
  • Contingency mechanism-- there is priority ranking of items excluded from the plan showing which items to be funded if more resources become available and then showing which itms to be sacrificed in case of shortage

Measure and monitor the affects of communication plan

Several methods used for measurement:

  • Quantitative methods (phone, email, direct mail, surveys: Asks- how many)
  • Qualitative methods (Interviews, metaphors, stories, rumors, Asks- What and Why)
  • Revenue matrix

Advantages of structured communication plan

  • Firm has set clear goals, identified their objectives and strategies 
  • Better promotion and message delivered in a better way
  • Firm can work in a structured way to achieve its goals


1 comment:

  1. Nice knowledge gaining article. This post is really the best on this valuable topic. website marketing
